1 in 5 children experiences at least one form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, exposure to domestic abuse) before the age of 16. Rarely does this abuse come to the attention of the authorities. Thus, for many children and young people COVID-19 has meant being trapped in abusive households.
The Safe Seen Supported project is a survivor-led initiative to address this concern. We asked people who know best how to reach and help children and young people experiencing abuse in their households: adult survivors who were once these children and practitioners who support survivors. Together, we identified key considerations and actions to take both during the pandemic and beyond.
This project is led by survivor researchers Jane Chevous, Laura E. Fischer, Concetta Perôt, and Angela Sweeney in partnership with Survivors' Voices, the UKRI Violence Abuse and Mental Health Network, King's College London, and the McPin Foundation.